Pretent II

Man with Christmas hatDen Weihnachtsmann gibt es nicht! Der Glaube an den Weihnachtsmann wird einem relativ schnell, wenn man größer wird, ausgeredet. Es ist ein Märchen, eine fiktive und kommerzielle Figur. Aber auf dem Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt hat sich mein inneres Kind dann doch nochmal zu Wort gemeldet. Stellt euch vor, ich habe den Weihnachtsmann getroffen!

Pretend II

2022 has almost run its course, and knocking on our doors, comes with force 2023.

The nights are longer, the days are shorter, and once again I have to pretend.

Pretend, that 2022 is not coming to an end, and that time is not running, slipping through my fingers like coarse sand.

Pretend, that I have enjoyed 2022 and that I’ve done everything the way society wants me to.

Pretend, I’m ready for 2023 because we all know “new year, new me!”

I could pretend that 2022 was a great year, that there was reason to cheer.

So Let’s pretend. Pretend, that I stuck to my resolutions and did not slack,

Let’s pretend, that I had time to do self-care, went to the gym, and stayed on track

Let’s pretend, I did all that.

And furthermore, let’s pretend that I played by the rules because it’s common knowledge: those who don’t are rogues and fools.

Trouble follows them with every step they take, every move they make, every rule they break.

So, call me no rogue, call me no fool because I’ve been good, I went to school.

I listened to what’s been taught and came up with inventive and bold thoughts.

But none of that matters when you make one mistake. It could be tiny, it could be huge, but one mistake can seal your fate.

I could pretend, and say 2022 was a great year, that there was reason to cheer, but that would be a lie, because of one mistake I made back in July.

Sure, there’s been good days this year, even great ones here and there, but none of that matters when you make one mistake.

Its consequences looming over you, with no way to escape.

Doomed are the days that follow, one is plagued by remorse and sorrow.

If only I could turn back time if only I could press rewind, if only, if only, if only I could just pretend.

But if I’ve learned one thing in my short time on planet earth, it’s that bad things will happen, most of them though, are short-lived, and of little worth.

So don’t hold on to all that anger and all those mistakes, but find worth in people, places, moments, because sometimes that’s all it takes.

That’s what you hold on to, for this can turn a grey sky blue.

2022, you taught a very hard lesson.

Let’s hope 2023 is more of a blessing.

Happy New Year!