Sk8 Away is an App for people who rates skate than walk. read more
Tagelange Arbeit reingesteckt und am Ende des Tages ist es kaputt. Schade, schade, schade. read more
The end of the winter semester at European School of Design is right around the corner and it is a nice feeling to look back at the finished projects, knowing how much time and work they consumed, but to see the final result. One of the projects I am particularly proud of is the campaign bringing awareness to the problem of girls marriage – „Too Young to be Bride“. read more
The First semester Student Went to the zoo and took photos of the animals that made themselves visible at that cold day ,The frankfurter zoo is a really cool place to visit .
Das spannendste am Semesterende ist immer, read more
Auf den letzten Metern des Wintersemesters bin ich dabei, meine Printkampagne fertigzustellen. read more
Auf der Suche nach Inspiration hat es mich mal wieder ins Frankfurter Städel Museum verschlagen. read more