The best way to deal with the Deadline stress is through some photography,i find street photography such a great way to train on photography skills, communication with people and hopefully take some great shot. read more
Fotoshooting in Würzburg
In den ersten Monaten im Praktikum betreute ich einen Unterwäschehersteller aus Würzburg. read more
Contrast Photography
The theme for Photography this semester was Contrast. So i tried to take pictures of couples from different backgrounds and with different status. The point was to show „My Opposite“ which in this case i meant as „My Partner“ and what they see in each other. So i asked a few couples i know to be my models and took their pictures and interviewed them.
Frohes Neues Jahr 2020
Designstudentin fotografiert Unterschiede
Design Student Dokumentiert in Hessen Park
In the Photo-Design Course with Sandra Mann , the 3rd and 4th Semester went to Hessen Park and documented many of the daily Old Job practises, read more
Designstudentinnen veranstalten Fotoshootings
Im Kurs Fotodesign hatten die Studenten des 3. Und 4. Semesters die Aufgabe, kleine Lexikaeinträge über Fotografen/innen zu erstellen. Die Handouts sollten über das Leben, aber vor allem über die Werke, read more
Glowing Spheres !
while I was in Amsterdam, i passed by this amazing display window that was on showing an innovative way of presenting your product even though here the product isn’t what caught my attention but light setting , creating an amazing reflection effect with a glowing ambient feeling. here is my perspective of this beautiful display in 3 images .
Designstudentin im second hand Fieber
Während den Semesterferien hat man endlich wieder Zeit, coole Dinge zu unternehmen und so besuchte ich an einem sonnigen Samstagmorgen mit einer Freundin einen Flohmarkt in Seckbach. Flohmärkte sind wunderbar, um read more
Reflections & Deflections
The Camera is a very powerful tool, where you can look at the world differently and learn also how to see it properly, and an other amazing thing the camera can do , is go beyond your normal vision and see the world differently , here is a series of photos showing some of the interesting light , reflection and Multiple exposures experiment.