Designstudent erkundet Stadt im Neonlicht…

Designstudent erkundet Stadt im Neonlicht...Am 30.11.18 wurde meine Heimatstadt in buntes Licht gehüllt. Traditionell wird in Marburg am letzten Freitag vor dem Dezember
die Altstadt bei dem Lichterfest ,,Marburg by  Night“ bunt beleuchtet um den Winter zu begrüßen und den Weihnachtsmarkt zu eröffnen.
Die toll beleuchteten Sehenswürdigkeiten bieten sich perfekt an um ein spannendes Fotoshooting zu veranstalten… read more

Typography in progress


For typography class, we needed to create our fonts , i wanted to digitalize my font and that is quite a work , that took all of this weeks time of work, but the font is starting to finally look good

and the effort is worth it completely , so here i post a small teaser of the work.

the work is called Bonheur, a modern serif typeface.

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a blue feeling in Frankfurt

Coming here to the European School of design has changed my perspective on many things,running around the city with my camera checking for news angles and perspectives, but what caught more my eyes was the blue natural light, and blue vintage vehicles , even though the weather is now back to being cold , don’t stop taking photos and stay healthy.

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