in the vacation , it is when you get time to go around and specially if it is a good day ,and Frankfurt is a wonderful city full of street art, here is one pick from street art in Bockenheim, Frankfurt found near the university of Goethe.
in the vacation , it is when you get time to go around and specially if it is a good day ,and Frankfurt is a wonderful city full of street art, here is one pick from street art in Bockenheim, Frankfurt found near the university of Goethe.
Portugals Hauptstadt ist eine Open-Air-Galerie voller Graffiti- und Streetartkunstwerke. read more
In dem Kurs Konzeption Online, müssen sich die Designstudenten verschiedene Zukunftsvisionen ausdenken. Eine davon hat mit der Verbreitung Street Art zu tun… read more